Damages and issues

Please inspect your order upon reception. To receive a refund for damaged, lost or stolen goods please put in a claim to the shipping company who damaged, lost or stole the goods in transit. Chebe Products is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen goods. It is the responsibility as the consumer to retrieve goods when they are delivered.

Refunds & Exchanges
NO refunds or exchanges. Chebe Products is not liable for goods damaged by USPS, UPS, Fedex or DHL in transit, To receive a refund for damaged goods, lost or stolen goods please put in a claim to the shipping company who damaged, lost or stole the goods in transit. Chebe Products is not responsible for stolen goods. It is the responsibility as the consumer to retrieve goods when they are delivered. Chebe Products is not liable for goods sent to the wrong address, It is your responsibility as the consumer to input the correct address. If you accidentally input the incorrect address you have 24 hours to call and/or send an email with the corrected address and provide your order number.

Once an order has shipped, we do not accept returns or exchanges. State regulatory laws for safety advisory have decided all sales are final for hygiene and to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Therefore, all sales are final. 


Thank you for shopping with Chebe Products.